Heal The Hood


Swarming Behavior

Swaming behavior occurs naturally to protect the queen. Heal The Hood hives are built to allow allow this behavior to be mimicked in a controlled environment inside the hive

Building a home as close to nature as possible

Heal The Hood uses natural timber and non – toxic protective coatings to ensure the hives durability up to 15 years.

Bulk Honey Purchase

Orange Blossom ,Eucalyptus , Fynbos and Rooibos available in season depending on harvest.
Contact usSee Our SABIO Certification

What Sound Does a bee make?

A fun and educational day for the learners, at a local primary school in the Karoo.

Community Sustainable Development

Starting with awareness and a deeper understanding about the humble insect. To ignite a passion in some of tomorrows Bee Keepers. While keeping it fun and light hearted.