Lectures/ Work Books

Family and Marriage lecture – Presented in Hopefiled – September 2016

A Vast variety of topics for vulnerable families were presented to the community

Guest speakers from Fit Families (Shantel & Terence )

Location: St Helena Bay hotel

1) A crisp morning with a wonderful crowd of people gathering outside

2) Each one entered being greeted by a small gift and an attendance register

3) Once everyone arrived safely we started with ice breakers which lasted 20 minutes

4) We then proceeded with a full day of 1 hour lectures per topic , snacks, a 3 course meal plus refreshments.

Ending off with guest speakers.

Womens Day 2018

Heal the Hood were invited to speak at the Vredenberg library on Womens Day 2018. It was a morning of laughter and learning where 30 pensioners gathered and were served tea and cake as well as a healthly lunch in between health talks. 

The focus of the day was to celebrate these wonderful women of our society and give back through free health education as well as some small Heal the Hood gifts. 

Mowbray Church Health Lecture 2018

Heal the Hood was invited to present a health lecture at Mowbray SDA Church during October 2018. It was a 3 hour long programme which consisted of vital everyday techniques individuals can use to benefit their health without even leaving their front garden. 

The lecture was split into 3 sessions where the first session was an open panel learning experience where worksheets were filled out and prizes were won, followed by a session on emergency medicine and natural rememdies and then we had an informative talk about Ozone treatment presented by Brenda Lee.

We ended off the day with a demonstration of different juicing techniques and were each given a flu shot as well as a freshly squeezed juice to test. 

Mayville Seventh-day Adventist Health Lecture 2018

On our marketing tour we were privelaged enough to be invited to present a health lecture at Mayville church in Durban in December 2018.  It was a very enjoyable afternoon with many friendly faces eager to learn more about natural medicine. 

Our CEO Robin Adams gave a talk on emergency natural medicine and taught us some very helpful tips when faced with an emergency in nature. 

We also learned how to make use of natural herbs and plants for everyday detox as well as the different health benefits of respective herbs and plants found in your backyard. 

The day ended with a demonstration of our products and some private consultations to the public. It was an extremely blessed day and we would like to thank Mayville church again for opening up their doors for us.